
Showing posts from 2018

AWS S3 Beginner Tutorial

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is an object-based storage option which can be used to store and retrieve data from anywhere on the Internet. It is both cheap and reliable, designed to deliver durability of 99.999999999%. Compared to other storage options like Google Drive, Dropbox, and Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon S3 fits a wide range of use cases. Companies can use it to store data and can also integrate it with their business applications and third-party tools—enhancing business processes at lower costs than other storage options. Amazon S3 also provides tools for compliance, security, and storage management which help users run queries on their data without having to move to other platforms. Amazon S3 Storage Types With the largest global cloud infrastructure today, Amazon has built Amazon S3, a highly durable and scalable solution which provides multiple  storage options designed to fit specific customer needs. These include: Standard : Used to store performance-s

5 Cloud Computing Trends to Expect in 2019

In a data driven society, more and more enterprises and relying on the cloud to enable their digital transformation. In a  recent report , Gartner shows that the cloud market is projected to reach a staggering $206 billion in 2019, from $175 billion in 2018 and $145 billion in 2017. Let’s see more of what’s in store for 2019 in the cloud world. Cloud Services will grow exponentially Organizations are choosing Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS) to support their business operations. It’s the  simplicity and flexibility  that made such services so popular and their adoption is expected to keep growing significantly. Gartner predicts that Public Cloud revenue will grow 17.3 percent in 2019 to a total of $206.2 billion, with infrastructure services (IaaS) being the fastest-growing segment of the market (27.6 percent growth). “The increasing dominance of the hyperscale IaaS providers creates both enormous opportunities a

Serverless on AWS: Let’s Get Started!

If you’ve been to any cloud conference, browsed around ‘cloud twitter’ a bit or are in the process of starting your cloud journey, it’s a sure guarantee you’ve heard about serverless by now. Is it just a buzzword, or is serverless something you can really start to get your hands dirty with and benefit from?  Accessing compute power became much easier when “the cloud” entered the market. Now, rather than waiting for bare metal servers to arrive, installing them into racks, and cabling during installation, you can set up your servers with only a few clicks on the web console. Yet although provisioning today’s servers takes only minutes, you still need to prepare and maintain them by patching, installing necessary packages, and setting up environment variables. This takes time. So how do you remove this overhead? You go  serverless! In the first article of this three-part series, we discuss the serverless basics: what it is, where it came from, why you would want to use it and how to

How to Provision a New AWS EC2 Instance with PowerShell

EC2 is a wildly popular AWS service and is bound to be one you either have a lot of experience with or will at some point. One of the most basic tasks you can perform in EC2 is provisioning new instances. Deploying EC2 instances is fairly straightforward if using the management console. The management console walks you through all of the dependencies that an EC2 instance requires. However, all of those dependencies are up to you to set up and define yourself if you’re setting up some automation script. In that case, you need to become familiar with not only setting up the EC2 instance itself but also all of the other resources that an EC2 instance depends on like a VPC, optional internet gateway, a route table, route, AMI image, route table, and a few more. By understanding now just how to deploy an EC2 instance but also understanding everything else required will allow you to create a much smarter automation script. In this article, we’re going to cover how to provision many co

Windows Server 2019 Comes to AWS

Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) last week announced the first Windows Server 2019 machine images (AMIs) for Windows Server 2019. The latest edition of Microsoft's flagship back-end server OS  debuted  last October, shortly after which users started  asking  about corresponding AMIs with queries such as: "I am wondering if there is an ETA for a Windows Server 2019 AMI by Amazon?" There was no definitive answer to those questions until a Jan. 7  post  announcing the arrival. "Windows Server 2019 comes loaded with a variety of new features including smaller and more efficient Windows containers, support for Linux containers for application modernization and App Compatibility Feature on Demand," the post said. The AMIs run on the platform's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) service and available EC2 instances include: Windows Server 2019 Windows Server 2019 with Hyper-V Windows Server 2019 with Containers Windows Server 2019 with Select Language Packs Wi

AWS Details SageMaker Improvements

Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched several enhancements to SageMaker, its machine learning platform, at this week's re:Invent conference. The company announced the general availability of  SageMaker Ground Truth , a service that promises to reduce the manual labor and costs associated with labeling data in preparation for machine learning training. SageMaker Ground Truth lets users tap "human annotators" (whether they're from a third-party provider, the  Amazon Mechanical Turk  crowdsource service or their own workforce) to do part of the labeling tasks. The service then uses that human-labeled data as a guide to do the rest of the work, greatly reducing the time it takes to finish the dataset and potentially slashing costs by up to 70 percent, according to AWS'  announcement . "Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth can optionally use active learning to automate the labeling of your input data. Active learning is a machine learning technique that identifies da

How to Execute Lambda Functions on S3 Event Triggers

One of the biggest advantages in this Automator’s eyes of using Amazon’s S3 service for file storage is its ability to interface directly with the Lambda service. If you’re not familiar with AWS Lambda, it’s essentially code execution in the cloud. There are no servers to manage nor even a terminal window! Lambda is a window that gives you the ability to run code without concerning yourself with anything else. One of the coolest features of Lambda though is its ability to natively integrate with other AWS services. In Lambda, your code is broken down into function. Each function contains not only the code to execute but also what action will trigger that code as well as other execution options. That  how  concept is powerful. Think about it. Running Python, Node.JS, etc. code without having to worry about the infrastructure, but if you’re forced to kick off that code by logging into the AWS management console all the time, it’s not too useful. Lambda allows you to define various t