Free Training Offered for New AWS Services

Amazon Web Services Inc. (AWS) is offering free training courses to help customers learn about the new cloud services unveiled at last week's re:Invent conference.
At the Las Vegas show, the company announced a bevy of new products and services and quickly followed up by providing 10-minute video courses to introduce the new offerings.
The 15 free, individually available courses are organized into the following categories:
  • Machine learning
  • Satellite communications
  • Global services
  • Medical data analytics
They have also been provided in a one-stop shop digital curriculum called AWS re:Invent 2018 New Services. The new videos join a host of other new training resources recently made available. "We’ve expanded our digital training portfolio with free digital courses ranging from fundamental to advanced topics," the company said in a post. "These on-demand courses cover a range of AWS services and categories for a total portfolio of 300+ courses, including dozens of new courses on new AWS services launched at re:Invent." The new courses are detailedhere. They include:
All the training resources can be reviewed here, while new machine learning courses can be seen here. AWS recently opened up to the public the very same machine learning courses that were used internally to train company engineers.

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